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Environmental Sustainability

Because human well-being is intrinsically linked to the environment’s health.

What is environmental sustainability?

According to the U.N Environment Programme1, environmental sustainability involves making life choices that ensure an equal, if not better, way of life for future generations.

Environmental sustainability aims to improve the quality of human life without putting unnecessary strain on the earth's supporting ecosystems. It’s about creating an equilibrium between consumerist human culture and the living world. We can do this by living in a way that doesn’t waste or unnecessarily deplete natural resources.

Why is sustainability important?

Environmental sustainability is important because of how much energy, food and human-made resources we use every day. Rapid population growth has resulted in increased farming and manufacturing, leading to more greenhouse gas emissions, unsustainable energy use, and deforestation.

In other words, we need more energy and materials than ever before. Despite this, our planet can only provide so many resources before they begin to deplete. For this reason, businesses must step in and do their part. They have more power than any group of individuals, and they can help secure a livable future by investing in sustainable and responsible practices like reducing waste, using clean energy, and paying fair wages.

What is a simple definition of environmental sustainability?

In simple terms, environmental sustainability is the practice of interacting with the planet responsibly. We do it to avoid depleting natural resources and compromising the future generation’s ability to meet their daily needs.

How does Destel Group achieve environmental sustainability?

We have seen and we continue to see the implications on the environment from our industry. Operating in an industry with so many variables for things to go wrong, environmental sustainability and protection is of paramount importance for Destel Group. Through the practices we apply, our goal is to actively contribute to the reduction of our environmental footprint and in this direction implement actions to save energy and minimize pollutants, increase recycling, protect the biodiversity of the ecosystem and the proper use of water. We strive to continuously update our environmental protection measures and bring attention to the issue in our industry.

Environmentally friendly practices and actions.

Pollution Prevention

Eliminating waste by:

  1. The implementation of conservation techniques (use less energy and water at our facilities)

  2. By reusing materials rather than putting them into the waste stream

  3. Use of zero-carbon recyclable packaging and trying to reduce packing

  4. After each delivery on vessels, we make sure that the packaging material will be recycled appropriately

Resource Conservation

Resource conservation refers to the practice of using resources such as water, energy, and raw materials efficiently and ethically by:

  1. Install low-flow faucets and water-efficient toilets

  2. Reduce landscape water use

  3. Engage employees to be more conscientious

  4. Install automatic light shut off (in progress)

  5. Use energy-efficient (LED) light bulbs (in progress)

  6. Use electric powered, or hybrid, or low emission vehicles/forklifts where is possible.

  7. Waste Minimization / Waste Reduction

Zero Emissions (in progress)

  1. Reduce waste (this is one way you can reduce your carbon footprint)

  2. Buy energy-efficient items with the ENERGY STAR® logo

  3. Invest in renewable energy

  4. Purchase flexible-fuel fleet vehicles, or low emissions vehicles

Responsible Consumption

Responsible consumption means using our resources and energy efficiently.  Responsibility lies in the hands of everyone – manufacturers, distributors, retailers, and consumers.

  1. Utilize rerouting and logistics to minimize fuel consumption

  2. Use less packaging in your product

  3. Fully automated ordering process (paperless)

  4. Warehouse Management System (WMS) and application of barcode scanner technology in the whole range of activities

Responsible Waste Management

Responsible waste management falls into the hands of every person, and company, that generates waste.  It means that waste is properly segregated and handled accordingly. Source reduction and reuse are the preferred methods, followed by recycling, energy recovery, and finally, treatment and disposal. At Destel Group:

  1. We have designated coloured recycling bins for different wastes and make them accessible to all employees

  2. We evaluate all waste


“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” -Mother Teresa

Intensions without actions rarely make a difference, thus by advocating our beliefs we as well try to be joined by as many people as possible to cast our individual stones across the water. We strive to:

  1. Educate peers, partners, employees, colleagues and clients about corporate sustainability

  2. Initiate new practices in the procedures of supplies delivery

  3. Educate consumers about responsible consumption

  4. Lobby for new policies or regulations

  5. Donate and become a member of non-profit organizations that support sustainability

  6. ISO 14001 (in progress)

Sources Anchor
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